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The Content has been prepared by the Company and the information set forth herein is based on or derived from the Company or sources the Company reasonably believes to be reliable.  The Company has not independently examined or verified the information provided herein and no representation is made that it is accurate or complete.  The Company expressly disclaims any liability relating to the Content, including any expressed or implied representations or warranties for statements or errors in, or omissions from, the Content.  Opinions and information are subject to change without notice.  Certain assumptions may have been made in the preparation of the Content which are not disclosed; changes in these assumptions may have a material impact upon the information identified therein.

The Company is licensed by the Securities and Futures Commission with CE number BHO368 for Type 9 (Asset Management) Regulated Activity.

©2021 Kadensa Capital Limited, all rights reserved.


我们注意到一些未经授权及无关的人士作出声称提出Kadensa(其管理的基金) 的投资要约,或主张Kadensa 已经对某公司或产品进行投资的欺诈行为,其显然目的是煽动其他第三方也对该安排进行投资。这些骗徒可表现为专业且可信的,并且经常以完全未经授权及非法或不正当的方式滥用信息,包括名称、标志、甚至 Kadensa 的员工的名称。请不要在未核实这些人士的身份并确认他们实际上与 Kadensa 有合法合理联系的情况下向他们提供您的个人资料或向他们汇款。


我們注意到一些未經授權及無關的人士作出聲稱提出Kadensa(其管理的基金) 的投資要約,或主張Kadensa 已經對某公司或產品進行投資的欺詐行為,其顯然目的是煽動其他第三方也對該安排進行投資。這些騙徒可表現為專業且可信的,並且經常以完全未經授權及非法或不正當的方式濫用信息,包括名稱、標誌、甚至 Kadensa 的員工的名稱。請不要在未核實這些人士的身份並確認他們實際上與 Kadensa 有合法合理聯繫的情況下向他們提供您的個人資料或向他們匯款。  


We are aware of scams where unauthorized and unrelated persons are claiming to be offering investment in Kadensa, a fund that it manages or asserting that Kadensa has invested in a company or product for the apparent fraudulent purpose of inciting other third parties to also invest in the arrangement. These scammers can appear professional and trustworthy, and often misuse information in a wholly unauthorized and illegitimate manner, including the name, logo and even staff names of Kadensa personnel. Please do not provide your personal details or send monies to such persons without verifying their identity and confirming that they are in fact legitimately connected to Kadensa.